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Somewhere Between Obscurity and Oblivion
  DISCLAIMER: This list might be extremely biased, ill-informed, and/or completely irrational. But it's more fun that way.

Old Lists: 1998-99 | 1999-2000 | 2000-2001

April 8, 2002

Top 5 Places I Want To Live Next (revised)- I'm thinking it might be time to move on to a new location. After preliminary research, these are my top choices

  1. Vancouver, British Columbia - from all I've read I can't believe that the whole world doesn't live in Vancouver. Skiing, biking, kayaking, hiking, all within minutes of a fairly cultural city? How do I become Canadian?
  2. Anchorage, Alaska - Has everything I would want in a city, especially ski trails.
  3. Bend, Oregon - I've always enjoyed visiting Bend and I know I would love living there. But I'd like to be closer to sea-level.
  4. Portland, Oregon - another very nice city, but maybe a bit too far from the snow for me.
  5. Hawaii - of course, in the right place I could probably do without snow for a while

April 1, 2002

Top 5 National Parks To Visit On My Upcoming Road Trip - after the season, my girlfriend and I are taking a road trip to San Diego to visit my brother. Here is where I want to go along the way.

  1. Capitol Reef National Park - the only Park in Utah that I haven't been to.
  2. Death Valley National Park - what is there to do in the desert? I'm not sure, but I want to find out.
  3. Great Basin National Park - Mountains, snow, and caves in the desert of Nevada? We'll find out.
  4. Joshua Tree National Park
  5. Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park - probably still covered in snow, but there's nothing wrong with that!

March 25, 2002

Top 5 Things On My 'Fun To Do' List After The Season Is Over - since the second half of the season was pretty laid-back for me, I'm not in need of a lot of rest. Good thing, because I've got plans.

  1. Surfing - my brother lives in San Diego. I am going to go visit and hang out on the beach, catching some rays and some waves.
  2. Crust skiing backcountry tour - I want to do an overnight crust skiing adventure in the Unita Mountains of Utah.
  3. Explore Goblin Valley, Utah - I've never been there, but it looks like a cool little place.
  4. Go on a three day kayaking trip - I'm not sure where or when, but I'd like to go
  5. Hiking in Wyoming's Wind River Range - have to wait a while before the snow melts up there, but I'll be ready

March 18, 2002

Top 5 Things That Went Wrong For Me At The Gold Rush

  1. It snowed 2 feet the night before the race - I hate racing in soft snow
  2. I got charged an arm and a leg for the rental car
  3. Had to buy chains for said rental car, which broke after one use
  4. Was staying in friend's rental house along with one of the other renters who clearly did not like having us there.
  5. Duke and Mississippi State, my picks for the NCAA final, lost in the third round

March 11, 2002

Top 5 Things I Am Going To Do Next - I got laid off on Friday, so I guess it is time to figure some stuff out.

  1. Figure out how I am going to pay all my credit card bills from this winter
  2. Find a new job
  3. See how much my fluorocarbon will fetch on the black market
  4. Update my resume
  5. See if my girlfriend wants to support me for a few years

March 4, 2002

Top 5 Things That Went Right For Me At This Year's Great Ski Race (aside from the food poisoning and pole mishaps)

  1. Won $12.50 in the slot machines at the Reno airport
  2. Had a beautiful place to stay right on Lake Tahoe, only minutes from the race start
  3. Had a beautiful ski at Tahoe-Donner after the race on Sunday
  4. Got a great deal on the rental car
  5. Had the most fun I have ever had in a race, screaming down through the downhills in a paceline at 40 mph.

February 25, 2002

Top 5 Ways I Avoided Getting Over-tired and Sick During The Olympics

  1. Made a few visits to Johann Muehlegg's team doctor for a little pick-me-up
  2. Induced naps by watching the Curling action on TV
  3. Decided not to get up at 4:00 each morning to stand in the cold for a 1/2 second of TV time with Al Roker on the Today show.
  4. Tried to avoid spending too much time in the Budweiser pavilion
  5. Spent one day each week either in bed or on the couch, catching up on sleep.

February 18, 2002

Top 5 Observations From The Olympics

  1. Vegard Ulvang seems like the kind of guy you'd want to hang out with - maybe have a beer or go on a camping trip
  2. These skiers are fast, but not THAT fast -we can catch them
  3. Beckie Scott is not the next Bill Koch - She is the first Beckie Scott
  4. This is the perfect time to go downhill skiing - no one is on the mountain
  5. Suddenly I have a lot of friends who want to visit

February 11, 2002

Top 5 Favorite Winter Olympians Prior To This Year

  1. Vegard Ulvang
  2. Bjorn Daehlie
  3. Dan Jansen
  4. Kristi Yamaguchi
  5. Gustav Vader - simply because he has the coolest name. There is no way anyone can beat a bobsled driver named Gustav Vader

February 4, 2002

Top 5 Observations From Training in Sun Valley This Week With Olympic Teams

  1. Johann Muehlegg is disturbingly fast, even when he is training.
  2. The Norwegians have as many coaches as they do athletes.
  3. The Norwegians always congregate on the most remote part of the trail, as if to avoid giving away secrets.
  4. From what I've seen, Thomas Alsgaard does more socializing on the trail than skiing (to be fair, I only saw him during two sessions, but each time he was standing around talking).
  5. They all love Sun Valley.

January 28, 2002

Top 5 Coolest Things About The Wasatch Overland Race, held last weekend.

  1. There is a start line and a finish line, how you get from one to the other is your business (FYI: Even driving isn't faster than skiing, although snowmobiling probably is). Participants use everything from skis to snowboards to snowshoes to ski-bikes.
  2. There is about 9K of continuous downhill - with a vertical drop of about 3000 feet.
  3. You get to pass downhill skiers and snowboarders on the downhill
  4. It is quite possibly the only cross country ski race where glide wax doesn't matter at all. You'll go as fast as you can handle, no matter what you have on.
  5. The apres-race party

January 21, 2002

Top 5 Things I Want To Do More Of Now That The Olympic Trials Are Over

  1. Start counting the days until "Attack of the Clones" opens
  2. Go see "Crossroads"
  3. Watch Spongbob Squarepants
  4. Sleep in
  5. Eating waffles for breakfast (instead of oatmeal)



January 21, 2002

Top 5

  1. Royal Gorge & Tahoe Donner XC, California
  2. Bretton Woods, NH
  3. Kincaid Park, AK
  4. Bohart Ranch, Montana
  5. Winter Park, Colorado
  6. Jackson Ski Touring Foundation, NH

January 14, 2002

Top 6 Most Scenic X-C Ski Resorts In The United States

  1. Royal Gorge & Tahoe Donner XC, California
  2. Bretton Woods, NH
  3. Kincaid Park, AK
  4. Bohart Ranch, Montana
  5. Winter Park, Colorado
  6. Jackson Ski Touring Foundation, NH

January 7 , 2002

Top 5 Places I Would Like To Live After I Am Done Ski Racing
As I travel around the country for races, I evaluate all the towns as to whether I would like to live there. My ideal place to live has: Some ski trails out my back door (with lots more within an hour of driving), mountains and hiking/running trails nearby, lakes all around and an ocean less than two hours away. A nice small town feel with a cultural center like a University or decent city with 30 minutes. (From that description, I guess its obvious that I grew up in New England). I have yet to find a place that meets all these criteria, but these come close:

  1. Jackson, NH
  2. Anchorage, AK
  3. Bend, OR
  4. Burlington, VT
  5. Queenstown, New Zealand

Honorable Mention: Bozeman,MT, Lake Placid,NY Park City,UT, Truckee,CA

December 31, 2001

Top 5 Things That Have Improved My Ski Racing Lifestyle

  1. The Internet - want to register for a race in Alaska, or see if its snowing in New Hampshire, or book a ticket to Canada, or read about some wanna-be skier's life on the road? It's all there.
  2. Having a garage to store all my gear.
  3. MP3's - instead of having to choose which 12 CD's to bring on each trip, I can now take my whole music collection everywhere.
  4. Windblock Long Underwear
  5. Cell phone - as much as I hate the idea of having one, it makes working and keeping in touch with family and friends while on the road much easier.

December 24, 2001

Top 5 Things On My Wishlist For Christmas This Year

  1. Apple Titanium Powerbook G4
  2. Apple iPod MP3 player - to go with said Powerbook
  3. A super-bright headlamp for skiing
  4. Ultimate Direction Rampage fastpack
  5. Someone to buy 273 ski racing videos

December 17, 2001

Top 5 Most Weather Dependant Sports

  1. Sailing - we can make snow (sometimes) but can they make wind?
  2. Ice Fishing - we could ski on rocks and grass if we really wanted to, but I'd like to see someone pull a bobhouse out onto an unfrozen lake.
  3. Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding - more dependant than xc because of increased risk from cold temperatures, wind, avalanche danger, etc.
  4. Baseball - those sissies don't even play when its raining.
  5. Cross Country Skiing - see we don't have it so bad do we?

December 17, 2001

Top 5 Reasons I Can't Wait For The Lord Of The Rings movie

  1. 'Cause it looks damn cool
  2. To see what the Ents look like
  3. So I can stop seeing those annoying Burger King ads
  4. To see what Gollum look like
  5. So people will stop talking about Harry Potter

December 10, 2001

Top Five things I want to do to the idiots that scheduled important races in the Midwest before December 15th:
This list was submitted by another skier, though I think his sentiments are being echoed widely.

  1. Make THEM pay $500 for airplane tickets, then force them to cancel, pay exchange fees and then rebook tickets with 3 days notice. All to go to a rainy, ice-covered !@#$ place where they spend hours and hours going around in tiny circles.
  2. Kill them because they are stupid and obviously a severe danger to the rest of us and themselves.
  3. Make them compete in duathlon for the rest of their lives.
  4. Plant little voice recorders that say "I told you so" everywhere they go.
  5. Bill them for all of the stone grinding that will take place after these races.

December 3, 2001

Top five reasons Cory flew to Minnesota with three feet of snow in Park City:
A much-needed bit of humor submitted by Chris Humbert

  1. Snow is too cold... Cory prefers the warmth of Minnesota!
  2. When it's 25 degrees and sunny, with the right wax, skis can be very slippery and hence, dangerous... Cory prefers the safety and predictability of pavement!
  3. Why settle for the merely perfect kick you get with Blue hard wax when you can have the bomber kick only a ratchet provides... Cory prefers rollerskiing!
  4. When you're skiing in an inch-an-hour snowstorm in Park City, your clothes can get really wet... Cory prefers to ski where there's no snow!
  5. When tucking a fast downhill at Soldier Hollow, your skis can get caught in the perfect corduroy and really throw you... Cory prefers the stability of pavement!

November 26, 2001

Top 5 Ideas For The Ski Duathlon

  1. Require a mandatory three minutes in the exchange zone, this will allow plenty of time for changing equipment and, more importantly, trash talking.
  2. Since they want to include other aspects of skiing - such as putting on your boots and skis - in a person's race time, why not take it a step further. Time racers from the time they wake up. The race will include getting dressed to ski, eating breakfast, waxing skis, getting your bib (or do you sleep with the bib on?), racing, doing your warm down, and standing around talking about how your race was (of course you won't really know how it was since it won't be over yet)..
  3. Make racers change everything - including all clothes - in the change zone. Now that will increase attendance - or maybe not.
  4. I am going to start selling a new ski video - "How To Put Your Boots On Faster with Per Elofsson"
  5. Make the Germans who came up with this idea organize and run the first event. See if they still think it's a good idea.

November 19, 2001

Top 5 Favorite Spices/Condiments/Cooking Ingredients - We eat a ton of pasta during the ski season - here is what I like to put on my pasta, and almost anything else.

  1. Garlic
  2. Butter
  3. Olive Oil
  4. Parmesan Cheese
  5. Pesto

November 12, 2001

Top 5 Favorite Popular Songs Of 2001

  1. Tool - Schism
  2. R.E.M. - Imitation Of Life
  3. Nickelback - Too Bad
  4. Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment
  5. Enya - Only Time

November 5, 2001

Top 5 Favorite Supporting Characters in Popular Movies

  1. Stifler - American Pie: When he comes on the screen, I just instictively start laughing
  2. Darth Vader: The epitome of evil
  3. Steve Buschemi's character in Desperado - one of the most under-rated movies of all time
  4. Mini-Me - Austin Power's 2: He is the only thing that saved that movie from being a total flop
  5. The stoner guy in Dazed and Confused

October 29, 2001

Top 5 TV Programs I Watch In Fairbanks

  1. VH1's Top 40 Hair Bands Of All-Time
  2. Blind Date
  3. Street Smarts
  4. VH1's Behind The Music - 1999
  5. Home Invasion - on Lifetime:Television for Women

October 22, 2001

Top 5 Playoff Teams I Want to Win The World Series

  1. Red Sox - What's that? They didn't make the playoffs you say? Are you sure? I refuse to believe it.
  2. Anyone but the Yankees
  3. Cleveland Indians - poor guys have been good for so long and never win.
  4. Atlanta Braves - see above
  5. Seattle Mariners - If you win 114 games, you deserve to win the Series.

October 15, 2001

My Top 5 Ways I Know It Is Time To Get On Snow

  1. I have just spent thousands of dollars on plane tickets and lodging for upcoming race trips.
  2. When I rollerski, I fall flat on my face because my pole tips can't penetrate the ice cold pavement.
  3. I wake up at 7 am to train and it is still dark out.
  4. The Dallas Cowboys finally win a game.
  5. My excitment for dryland intervals goes from minimal to non-existant.

October 8, 2001

Top 5 Impressions of the Grand Canyon

  1. aaaa, its not all that big really.
  2. If only 5% of the people who visit the Canyon hike below the rim, what percent run from one side to the other in 6 hours?
  3. Its a bit frustrating to look at because you can never get your eyes around the whole thing at once.
  4. Having a snack bar at the bottom takes away from the "wild" feeling.
  5. Next time - over AND back.

September 24, 2001

Top 5 Thoughts On The New TV Season

  1. Thank god The Family Guy is back.
  2. Will Friends PLEASE stop using that Enya song in its promos (the song deserves better)!
  3. One more Seinfeld alum flops pathetically.
  4. The Simpsons is still the best show on TV. I will not argue this.
  5. Bring back Norm!

September 17, 2001

Top 5 reasons why it sucks that hasn't been updated in a month
Submitted by Jeff Lewis

  1. Every morning office workers around the world arrive at work, their hopes naively buoyant, click open their Favourites window, and collectively hold their breath as flashes onto the screen. Only to have their hopes and spirits dashed again and again.....and again. This of course has led directly to the current economic downturn.
  2. It is well known that Julija Tchepalova, coy girl that she is, recently checked out the site to figure out a way to make a move on Cory. However, upon seeing that the website hasn't been updated in a month, she lost all interest. Well, it serves the bum right.
  3. Thomas Alsgaard updates HIS site nearly every day. Or at least has a lackey to do it for him.
  4. Biathlon Canada - whom until recently still listed the selection criteria for the 99-00 season on their website - are starting to look good by comparison.
  5. Several people have reported severe eye strain and carpal tunnel syndrome from playing with the 360 degree view of Soldier Hollow for hours on end, for a lack of anything better to do on the site.

September 3, 2001

My Top 5 Signs Fall Is On The Way

  1. It actually rained in Utah for the first time in months.
  2. Leaves are starting to turn.
  3. Way too many back to school sales everywhere.
  4. I had a flashback to Fairbanks the other day.
  5. I have to put on a sweatsirt when I go out in the morning.

August 27, 2001

Top 5 Movies I want(ed) to See this summer but never got to, because I am too damn busy.

  1. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
  2. American Pie 2
  3. A.I.
  4. Scary Movie 2
  5. Hedwig and the Angry Inch

August 20, 2001

My Top 5 Things I Broke or Hurt Last Week:

  1. My heart (when I found out the Poison concert was canceled)
  2. My Skate rollerski poles
  3. My classic rollerski poles (though it could have been much worse considering I was trying to get a bee out of my shorts when it happened).
  4. Pulled a muscle in my neck - I had a great view of my shoes for a day or so.
  5. Pulled muscle in my back -probably because I was overcompensating for my neck.

August 13, 2001

My Top 5 Favorite Non-Athletic Interests or Things I Never Have Time To Do

  1. Sailing
  2. Being a Computer Geek
  3. Collecting Maps of Places I Have Been/Trained
  4. Taking Photographs (though I am no good)
  5. Napping

August 6, 2001

Top 5 Most Miserable Workouts I Have Experienced Without Doing Major Physical Harm To Myself

  1. Rollerskiing Through Slush and 35 degree weather.
  2. Losing the trail on a long run and bushwacking through stinging nettles.
  3. Skiing in a torential downpour at 38 degrees without a rain jacket.
  4. Running a 6K time trial in 95/95 weather. (95 degrees/95% humidity)
  5. Skiing in temperatures so far below zero that the thermometer didn't register it.

July 30, 2001

Top 5 Songs I Set My CD Player To Wake Up To In The Morning

  1. Get Up - R.E.M.
  2. Nice Guys Finish Last - Green Day
  3. Ray Of Light - Madonna
  4. Sleep Now In The Fire - Rage Against The Machine
  5. Serial Thrilla - The Prodigy

July 23, 2001

Top 5 Reasons That Training with a Team is Better Than Alone

  1. Teammates. They push you, they make the time pass quicker, and it beats being out there alone.
  2. You can't back out of a workout just because you are a little tired.
  3. You have a coach to give you tips and suggestions during workouts.
  4. The training schedule is made up for you by a real coach.
  5. It is easier to guage your progress relative to other skiers.

July 16, 2001

Top 5 Longest Workouts I've Ever Done (Not including normal (i.e. slow) day hikes)

  1. Vermont Bike Ride. July 1, 2001 Total Time: 12 hours
  2. Running From Hanover, NH to Mount Moosilauke on the Appalachian Trail. October 1993. 11 hours 55 minutes.
  3. Running from Pinkham Notch, NH to Crawford Notch, NH on the Appalachian Trail over the Presidential Range. September 1998. 11 hours.
  4. The Bike Ride Of Death, Utah. July 16, 2001. 9 hours.
  5. Running up King's Peak, the highest peak in Utah. October 1999. 8 and a half hours.

July 2, 2001

Top 5 Craving During a Super Long Workout

  1. Something to drink besides water and sports drink, like a Coke.
  2. Ice Cream.
  3. Pepperoni and Cheese.
  4. French Fries.
  5. A hot tub and a bed.

June 25, 2001

Top 5 Ways To Ease The Pain of Travelling With Ski Equipment

  1. Use curbside check-in. Not only is it easier, but you also avoid the risk of getting charged for oversized baggage at the Ticket Counter. Paying a few bucks for a tip is much better than $75 for too many pairs of skis.
  2. Get a wheeled duffel bag. Just got one myself and it is so nice. Just put the ski bag on top of the duffel and wheel them both with ease. No carrying at all.
  3. Pack your ski clothes around your skis. Not only does this free up more space in the duffel, but it protects the skis too.
  4. Get a pole tube. Poles break easier than skis. You can always duct tape it to the outside of your ski bag if you need to.
  5. Don't bother with a full wax box. Just throw the waxes and tools you need in your bag.

© 2003 Cory Smith. All Rights Reserved.